Specialized brain cells called neurons communicate with one another using electrical and chemical signals. The brain has roughly 100 billion neurons, and each neuron can make thousands of different connections within the brain at any time, which is called neuroplasticity. Plus, scientists now know that the creation of new neurons, or neurogenesis, is possible.
All stimuli to which we expose ourselves can have an impact on our health, everything from foods and beverages, to chemicals like soaps and cosmetics; from nature and relaxation, to entertainment and ongoing thought processes. Healthy and unhealthy stimuli all can create or modify connections in the brain.
This is where it comes full circle, and healthy lifestyle choices enable more effective and efficient transmission of information between neurons, which improves your cognitive health. Eating healthy foods, movement, proper amounts of sleep, stress reduction, and even the thoughts you think all are important for optimal brain function. Healthy foods provide the nutrients and building blocks needed for neurogenesis and healthy brain function. All movement, especially aerobic exercise, provides the blood flow necessary for adequate exposure to oxygen and nutrients throughout the brain. Restorative sleep allows the brain to rid itself of toxins and to re-charge. Mindfulness and reframing toxic thought patterns can help reduce stress and tame cortisol, the stress hormone that affects multiple biological functions. The cumulative effect of these lifestyle practices and mindfulness techniques can help prevent and relieve stress, which avoids creation of other harmful chemicals in the brain.
Rewiring your brain with a healthier lifestyle does take an investment of time and a commitment to change, but your brain and cognitive health are worth it! As a health coach, I can help you sort through and take action on lifestyle recommendations that you discover and are approved by your doctor. Together, we will create a plan that works for you. Creative solutions unique to your desires and abilities make the process of change easier and less stressful. I look forward to working with you to strengthen your cognitive health. Schedule a free consult.