Functional medicine is gaining popularity as people find relief from devastating chronic symptoms that have affected their quality of life for many years. Functional medicine seeks to optimize wellness through preventive and restorative lifestyle strategies, rather than simply managing disease symptoms with prescription drugs after diagnosis. (1)

Functional medicine practitioners recognize the complex interplay among lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors that may be responsible for an individual’s symptoms. (2) It recognizes the linkages among our body’s biological systems and pathways to prevention and wellness, instead of treating each as isolated systems afflicted by disease. A thorough investigation helps determine the root cause(s) of chronic conditions. Treatment recommendations that correct imbalances are unique to each individual, facilitated by a collaborative team of clinicians, health coaches, nutritionists, and personal trainers.

Linkage of our biological systems suggests that a diagnosis may result from more than one cause, and vice versa. (3) For example, the cause of brain fog or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may be a combination of unhealthy food, sedentary lifestyle, and excessive stress that all contribute to inflammation. That same inflammation may lead to multiple other conditions such as depression, allergies, and tinnitus. The manifestation of each condition depends on that individual’s lifestyle, environment, and genes, all of which are addressed by a knowledgeable, licensed clinician. (2) Addressing the gut-brain axis as a whole with changes to diet, exercise, stress reduction, and more might clear up the brain fog, and also end the depression, allergies, and tinnitus. Treatment of any one condition requires consideration of all organs and biological systems. (1)

Functional medicine seeks to prevent disease in the first place. When diagnosis does occur, functional medicine seeks to reverse conditions completely by investigating and treating its underlying cause(s). (1) When the medical condition is multifactorial, health coaches guide you in creating a plan to overcome causative behaviors. Then the process can go full circle. In relation to the previous example, continuing to work with a health coach after successful treatment could help prevent future cognitive decline and the onset of other conditions.

Don’t get me wrong, conventional medicine definitely has its place, especially in acute or emergency care. However, conflicts arise with centering our medical system on symptom-suppressing drugs with a one-size-fits-all approach. Chronic conditions remain unresolved despite the ever-expanding expense. Conventional treatment with pharmaceuticals is predicted to exceed $47 trillion globally by 2030. (4, 5) Just as we recognize that lifestyle, environmental, and genetic factors may be responsible for an individual’s symptoms, each person’s response to a recommended pharmaceutical may be different. While it might work for one person, for another person it actually may cause additional conditions not previously experienced, while never correcting the original condition.

Join us in the functional medicine movement to provide personalized, evidence-based, life-changing care to halt this prediction. Adopting a healthier lifestyle does take an investment of time and a commitment to change, but your brain and cognitive health are worth it! As a health coach, I can help you understand and take action on lifestyle recommendations that you discover and are approved by your doctor. Together, we will create a plan that works for you. Creative solutions unique to your desires and abilities make the process of change easier and less stressful. I look forward to working with you to strengthen your cognitive health. Schedule a free consult.
