Although modern lifestyles streamline a lot of work and enable us to do things we could not in the past, remember that anything in excess has negative consequences; especially sitting. A typical day for many people moves them from beds to cars, to desks and chairs, to the sofa, then back into bed again, spending the majority of the day sitting down. Unless we intentionally make exercise an essential part of our day, it usually doesn’t happen.
How can we make exercise a positive experience, something we WANT to do every day? Think of it like this: Your brain loves exercise! (1) Exercise is one of the best tools we have to improve all areas of cognitive function, and to prevent cognitive decline. Aerobic activity provides greater blood flow with essential oxygen and nutrients to the hippocampus, the memory center of the brain. (1, 2, 3) Strength or resistance training can help regulate blood flow and heart rate, speed up metabolism, clear brain fog, and boost mood. (4) Even exercises like yoga can be social, increase blood flow, relieve stress, and release those “feel good” chemicals called endorphins that relieve pain and boost happiness.
Not only does it boost our outlook on life, exercise makes us resilient to stress. We want to avoid stress as much as possible because it increases inflammation, increases blood sugar, and alters our microbiome; all things we want to avoid. Exercise improves sleep quality and duration, and also the creation of new synaptic connections through neuroplasticity.

Humans are created to interact with our environment by way of near constant movement. Walk the dog. Throw a football. Mow the grass. Play with the kids. Do household chores. Take the stairs at church or at work. Stand while you’re talking on the phone. Park out further in parking lots. Look for ways to engage in brief but higher-intensity exercise. Do any of it with a friend!
Moving more does take an investment of time and a commitment to change, but your brain and cognitive health are worth it! As a trained health coach, I can help you sort through and take action on lifestyle recommendations that you discover and are approved by your doctor. Together, we will create a plan that works for you. Creative solutions unique to your desires and abilities make the process of change easier and less stressful. I look forward to working with you to strengthen your cognitive health. Available times are on my calendar.